2011年7月27日 星期三

擴大服務校友 蔣孝剛、簡毓玲、胡原龍會面晤談

【校友會訊】 為擴大服務校友,靜心中小學執行董事蔣孝剛、校長簡毓玲,於711下午3時與校友會理事長胡原龍在校長室進行會面晤談,會談氣氛融洽,歷時一個半小時。與會者尚有董事會祕書王惠貞、校友會理事陳旻苹及總幹事楊恩。




蔣孝剛表示,校友會有不錯的紀念品構想時,校長可一同參與。一因學校有許多家長是校友,對紀念品也會感興趣;二因學校校徽有向智慧財產局登記申請專利,程序上知會校長、讓校方了解,是必要的!校長有參與,就須負責與品管,董事會也就會支持。王惠貞則說,學校一直想做校友會的後盾(back up),無論找老師、借場地都大力協助,期許校友會能逐漸聚攏校友人氣。但紀念品上的校徽,若是印刷不統一,便容易造成混淆與困擾。楊恩說明,小書包是找學校書包商製作的。





靜心校友會網誌 http://chingshinalumni.blogspot.com/ 
電子信箱  chingshin.alumni@gmail.com

1 則留言:

  1. First, I must apologize for typing in English as my Chinese typing simply is way too slow.

    Second, In my humble opinion, in order to reconnect more and more alumni, first thing must be done first that is posting every yearbook online. Old yearbook can be scanned into image file such as TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) or PDF (Portable Document Format) while newer yearbook should be published as web page in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) for fast loading. While an alumnus trying to reconnect, I believe the easiest way is to visit the website of her/his alma mater then go to alumni portal which you have done well.

    In contrast, upon viewing alumni portal, it is not that much helpful to reconnect as many alumni as possible. Some alumni including myself not even certain the year of graduation let alone you do not go by year, using a sequential number of graduations from each level of school instead.

    I would suggest list year in both ROC (the Republic of China) and western calendar (Gregorian calendar or Christian calendar) year in addition to the sequential number of graduations from each level of school. Furthermore, each year provides a link to corresponding yearbook for each alumnus to locate her/his name with picture in the yearbook and then try to refresh faded memory of her/his closed classmates’ name and picture years if not decades ago as the first step of reconnection.

    Upon locating alumnus’s name and picture, a link should be provided for claiming this person is her/him to provide whatever information (s)he is willing to provide along with additional message for classmate(s) (s)he would like to reconnect.

    As more and more alumni are heading to retiring age, they will likely to have time and/or resource required to reconnect and possibly doing more than just reconnection! Help from alma mater for alumni to reconnect is always greatly appreciated.

    chingshinalumni.blogspot AT xo.ath.cx
    (Please replace " AT " with "@" for e-mailing, thank you!)
